Co-Chair, John L. Shahdanian II
Co-Chair, Richard D. Trenk
The Government Representation Practice Group at Trenk Isabel Siddiqi & Shahdanian provides New Jersey municipal, county, and state entities with general legal counsel on all aspects of the increasing number of legal issues facing local public entities.
As the complexity of legal issues facing public entities today continues to increase, so does the need for competent legal representation sensitive to the budgetary constraints of government and the scrutinized expenditure of taxpayer dollars.
Recognizing these equally important but contrasting needs, we have a highly impressive roster of Government Representation, Municipal Law, and Public Contracting attorneys who serve our public sector clients in a cost-conscious and effective manner.
Complex Municipal Law
The municipal attorneys in the firm provide comprehensive, skilled advice in the many areas of the law affecting the government. In municipal law, experience is critical to positive outcomes, and our attorneys have handled virtually every issue currently facing municipalities, including:
- Public meetings
- Preparation of resolutions, ordinances, and contracts
- Procurement
- Negotiations, including labor negotiations and arbitrations
Local Government Statutes
Our municipal attorneys are among the most knowledgeable practitioners in the numerous statutory schemes applicable to local governments, including the Local Public Contracts Law, the Open Public Meetings Act, the Open Public Records Act, New Jersey Tort Claims Act, Local Lands and Building Law, Local Public Contracts Law, Municipal Land Use Law, Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, Local Budget Law, and Local Fiscal Affairs Law.
Municipal legal matters frequently involve at least one, and sometimes several, of these laws. Our in-depth, hands-on understanding of the legal nuances and implications is an invaluable asset for our municipal clients.
Tax Appeals and Real Property
Our firm provides legal services to municipalities defending against tax appeals that challenge the assessment of real property. Our municipal attorneys are also experienced in providing representation to governing bodies, planning boards, redevelopment agencies, and zoning boards of adjustment.
Public Education
In the increasingly costly area of public education, our prior experience as counsel to boards of education has provided us with the ability to extend representation in all aspects of the field, including public contracts law, labor negotiations, and disciplinary hearings.
Special Counsel
If a municipal matter requires specialized counsel, our firm’s cross-disciplinary practice groups can efficiently render the necessary expertise as part of a multidisciplinary team.
Internal Investigations/Sensitivity Training
The firm been retained by multiple public entities to conduct independent investigations involving allegations of discrimination or misconduct. The firm is also regularly called upon by its public sector clients to provide sensitivity training including anti-harassment and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.